Sis has pre-ordered the Peking Duck here so it was a good surprise for me (as if it's my birthday *LOL*) because like I said before, I LOVE Peking Duck. =P I love it when the servers bring the duck out and slowly cut the skin in front of us but over here, due to the tight space and crowded tables; they actually cut in the kitchen first before serving it to us on a plate. Somehow, that did not feel as exciting........but, what to do? As usual, the skin is excellent coupled with the thin slices of popiah skin....yum.....just the thought of it is making me salivate again..........=P
Sang Choy Pau is usually cooked with minced meat but over here, they used crab meat instead. Taste is quite light and at RM30 a plate, it is quite a good bargain because there is quite a lot of crab meat in there. Hmmm......maybe more worth it than to just order crabs (the one with shells), the only setback is, you can only have it this style(no chilli, marmite or salted eggs). =P
The tofu is really soft and smooth and the sauce is full of flavour, fantastic with rice!
In the specials whiteboard outside the restaurant, we saw a dish called "sun kei tou guat"; literally meaning "Amazing stomache bone". My dad and I were rather intrigued with it so decided to order it. Turned out to be exactly like herbal chicken except it is with pig's stomache and pork ribs. I thought the dish was rather delicious but at RM50 a pot, it is a little pricey for just ribs and stomache. Still, another good dish to go with the white, fragnant, steamed rice.
Sou Mien
All Peking Duck dishes come with another dish of your choice using the meat. This time, we have ordered the sou mien (birthday noodles) since it is for our mother's birthday. The noodles were really tasty and springy but we thought the duck meat was a little dry. We feel that there is a lot more meat than noodles as there was not enough noodles to go around. Hmmm......but it could also be due to the fact that we liked the noodles more than the duck meat itself so maybe we actually ate more noodles.......I donno........
Before the noodles came, sis and I felt that we were still hungry and there were not enough food so decided to order the salted egg squid. Talk about greedy........squid actually came after the noodles and we were rather stuffed by then. Luckily, the squid was rather crispy and tasty so we could still managed to stuff it down our throats even though we felt like we were gonna explode any time soon (greedy, greedy, greedy......).
Bought a cake from Just Heavenly for the candle blowing. I had originally wanted to bake but really had no time so had to spend some moolah. Heh.......I guess we were not really gonna explode after the squid since we could STILL eat the cake. *blush* Chocolate cake was really moist and the cheese did not overpower the cake, quite a good combination!
Restaurant Extra Super Tanker
48, SS20/10, Damansara Kim,
47400 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03 - 7726 7769
**Disclaimer: Everyone has different taste buds so dun blame me if you want to try based on MY opinion and it is not good. I would also love it if someone pays me to write this review but sadly no, am writing this because I am procrastinating work. =P
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