Was in Gardens the other day with a couple of friends and did not know what to have for dinner and decided to try the Ri-Yakitori at the Gardens Hotel because the chef is a friend of this friend who was with us the other day. Since some people have been raving about this place, thought I should give it a try. By the way, as the restaurant's name depicts, it serves mostly just yakitori. Basically, it's just stuff on skewers (sticks rather) and barbequeing it.

When the waitress first served us this, I was wondering what the hell it was coz it did not looked like anything that we usually have for appertisers in a Japanese Restaurant. Then my friend was explaining to me that it is chicken skin and you are supposed to mix it with the shredded cabbage that they serve to get the optimum taste. Well, I have to say, on its own, it is a bit "gurly" but with the shredded cabbage; it was really yummy!

What this place is really famous for are the different parts of the chickens on skewers. There are like the upper thigh, lower thigh, spleen, heart, intestines, kidney, etc etc. It's like almost every single part of the chicken is on the menu. The yakitori is done perfectly with just the right amount of salt and marinade. We have also decided to try the scallops and the Wagyu beef cubes. As usual, the Wagyu just melts in your mouth when you chew it, PERFECT! Price is between RM6 to RM28 per stick depending on what you order. You can also order some other non-yakitori dishes but I have to say, there are not a lot of choices as their main attraction is afterall, the Yakitori.
7th Floor, The Gardens Hotel
Kuala Lumpur
Business Hours:
5pm to 1am (last order at 11.30pm)
Closed on Sundays
Tel: 03 - 2268 1188
**Disclaimer: Everyone has different taste buds so dun blame me if you want to try based on MY opinion and it is not good. I would also love it if someone pays me to write this review but sadly no, am writing this because I am procrastinating work. =P